Membership Benefits


Joining ALLUNY will grant you access to ALLUNY’s member database and network of members from public, private, and academic libraries.  All members are automatically added to the ALLUNY newsletter mailing list, and ALLUNY listserv to help members stay better connected with friends and colleagues, and to learn quickly about ALLUNY opportunities, postings, and events.


ALLUNY events are not restricted to members – but ALLUNY members receive steep discounts on event registration & travel costs to both the Annual Meeting in the Fall and the Spring Institute.


In addition to access to the ALLUNY member database, members are also granted access to ALLUNY event presentation archives, photos, directory, survey results and more!

Opportunity to Grow

Whether you are new to the profession in general, or are a seasoned expert who wants to give back or try something new, ALLUNY membership is a great opportunity to develop a new skill set, or dry run a presentation in an intimate setting before taking it on the road to AALL.  ALLUNY can also provide you with the opportunity to fill leadership roles to gain experience in administration, advocacy, web design, editing, budgeting, etc.

Grants & Awards

ALLUNY offers many grants & awards to assist with registration and traveling costs to attend events.  While these grants are not awarded exclusively to ALLUNY members – membership in ALLUNY is one of the factors considered by the Grants Committee.