Brian Detweiler
Title: Student Services Librarian
Library: University at Buffalo Law Library
Location: Buffalo, NY
ALLUNY Position: Secretary since 2014
Five Questions:
1. Favorite thing about your job? Working closely with our students. We have some really smart and engaged people who come to UB to study law and I get to know them and help them learn to research while they work on some really interesting projects.
2. Favorite travel destination? England. London is awesome, the countryside is quaint and charming, and there are pubs everywhere! What’s not to like?
3. Skill you’d like to learn? Plumbing and electrical. We bought a house two years ago and there is still so much I need to learn!!
4. If you could have any superpower, what would it be and why? I think I would choose the power to heal people. After seeing family members and friends battle illnesses like cancer, emphysema, and depression, I’ll take that over flying and x-ray vision any day.
5. Favorite quote? “Don’t count the days, make the days count.” — Muhammad Ali
Thanks Brian for being part of this wonderful organization and telling us about yourself.