Title: Technical Services Librarian
Library: Syracuse University College of Law Library
Location: Syracuse, NY
Website: http://law.syr.edu/law-library/
Five Questions:
1. Morning ritual? Every one of my days begins with me making coffee and an omelet. I then watch the news and proceed to give half of the omelet to my chihuahua Dorrie!
2. Last photo you took with your phone? Probably a photo of Dorrie or various other cute dogs.
3. In five words, describe the library of your youth. Fun, free, nurturing, and welcoming! I was fortunate enough to grow up with a library down the street from my house, where I could go and take full advantage of the resources my family was unable to provide. I hope that libraries 20 years from now continue to be the safe space for all to grow.
4. What’s your greatest achievement and how has it shaped you? I was the first person in my family to graduate from college. College shaped me in so many ways and exposed me to so much. My work study job at the law library certainly shaped who I am today!
5. Favorite thing about your job? One of my favorite things about my job is seeing library work-study jobs continuing to shape the lives of students every year.