Invitation to the 2021 AALL Salary Survey

As a member benefit and in service to the profession, AALL has been publishing the Salary Survey since 1993. Prompt and thorough response from all law libraries to this confidential survey ensures that AALL continues to deliver the most current, relevant, and accurate compensation information for legal information professionals.

Invitations to participate in the AALL 2021 Salary Survey were sent to members identified as being in leadership roles on July 27. The deadline to respond is August 20. The survey results will be published in November 2021.

Please take a minute to check with your library leadership and encourage them to fill out the Survey. It may help to point out:

  1. The survey can be saved and resumed at a later time.
  2. The survey can be downloaded as an Excel file, then uploaded when complete.
  3. Libraries with multiple locations can now enter information for all branches in a single survey response.

The Salary Survey’s usefulness depends on the responses we receive – please do what you can to ensure its success!

If you are a director and did not receive an invitation to complete the survey or you would like to request an invitation for your director who is not a member, please contact Megan Mall, AALL’s director of content strategy, with questions and invitation requests. The invitation can sometimes get caught in spam folders—it will be sent from

If you are a director or similar law library leader–thank you for completing this survey! Other colleagues, if you feel comfortable doing so, please consider encouraging your director to complete it. The Biennial Salary Survey is a valuable resource for members who may be considering new positions, as well as those who are involved in hiring.

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