Title: Access and Research Services Librarian, Assistant Director of the Legal Research Clinic
Library: Cornell Law Library
Location: Ithaca, NY
ALLUNY Position: Vice President 2018-2019, President 2019-2020
Five Questions:
1. Favorite thing about your job? The people that I work with and the opportunity to stretch myself. The people that I work with are all very talented and generous with their time and knowledge, which has helped me immensely. I also love that this job has given me so many opportunities to try new things.
2. Advice to your 20-year-old self? Live your life for you and travel more. In my 20s, I spent way too much energy making sure that I made life choices that made everyone else happy. This approach made life unnecessarily stressful and limiting. I also love traveling and wish that I had taken advantage of the opportunities available to me when I was younger.
3. Favorite travel destination? Either Paris, France or Johannesburg, South Africa. I loved visiting both place, and I want to go back.
4. Words to live by? There are two mottos that I live by. One is “nothing beats a miss but a try,” which my mother used to say to me all the time. She taught me at an early age to not be afraid to try new things. The other phrase that I live by is “dum spiro spero” which is Latin for “as I breathe, I hope.” I keep this on a Post-It Note on my desk as a reminder that every day there is hope.
5. If you could have any superpower, what would it be and why? Teleportation! That way, I could go wherever I wanted to instantaneously. For this power to be truly enjoyable, though, I would want to be able to take people with me when I teleport.